Friday, April 21, 2006

Got an Idea!

Making an educational software tool: But what it is, what it does, how can it help me, does it solve some problems? If so first of all what are the problems? Hey! there are many questions but no answers.

First of all lets remember what are the subjects that we have in the school education?- Languages, physical and natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences. Can we build simulation software for physics experiments, making students easy to understand? Not a bad idea, but need to work a lot to build the complete product.

I have got an idea …

For a while let’s get back to days of my schooling. Geography subject was the most boring subject during my school days. And so I read very less just to meet the requirements to get passed in that subject. What is its aim? After all to know various places in the world – Location, mountains and rivers, climatic condition, minerals and other natural resources availability, commerce hubs, transporting, soils, crops and animal husbandry, forests and culture of people

So how would it be if we have a computer game by which we can learn concepts of the subject just by playing it!

Yeah, create a story line for the game like starting a business in some continent or being a leader or CEO of the place. And then in the course of achieving some goal, player should act according to the explored place and its climatic conditions, natural and other resources, culture & traditions of the people.

I think Microsoft has already done and is doing some concrete work in that area. Can we compete with that sort of giant companies? Hey Shri, don’t think of competition first, think about the product. Any thing in this world is conquerable with will. Get down to work, you will do it.

I think it seems ok. I will think again to become more concrete. But at first I will try to write some requirements.

Product making Requirements:

  • Sound Understanding of the places (by textbooks and material from the internet)
  • Good Story Line
  • Graphics and game making software
  • Narration Scripts
  • background music score & Sound effects, dubbing
  • Most important of all is the “Expertise to manage and make the project” and Creative Writing and thinking.

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Past, Present and Future - All are abstract.